Mam Vëlo op d’Schaff, in short MVOS, is a yearly bike to work (or school) campaign run by the Verkéiersverbond (National Public Transport Community) from May 15 to July 31. They also encourage the participation of members on social networks; this year the hashtag was #mvos2018.
So I decided to make a Map, using the tools from VeloViewer, which does the job much better and faster than me.
Bike to work map during #mvos2018 operationMap of all active transportation during #mvos2018 period.Summary of Bike to WorkSummary of all active transportation activities during #mvos2018 period (size of the point: elevation gain; colour of the point: average speed)
But I have shot several photos and published 225 of them on my Gallery! Below is a small sample of the landscape I shot either on my way to work, or most likely after work. With the long days I was able to do several (de)tours and explore roads and tracks I have never been before.
Château de Koerich (May 15, 2018): First MVOS 2018 detour via Koerich.
History of the castle available on this photo.
Hopla geiss: a hook to Koerich Castle for the first day of MVOS2018 (day 82 of #mvos365 in 2018)
Piste cyclable de l’Attert near Eischen (May 17, 2018)
I really love the #PC12Lux part in the forest between Eischen and Steinfort, will try Hovelange soon.
Tunnel on PC 12 (May 18, 2018)
A “short” (de)tour after work via the famous #Hobscheid tunnel on #pc12lux, following some forest exploration. I’d like to play some trumpet or didgeridoo in there
Right time, right place. (May 18, 2018): A golden hour scenery that drivers cannot see.
Piste cyclable de l’Attert (PC 12, EuroVelo 5), Hovelange.
To be at the right place at the right time, and an invisible scenery to motorists.
Before the shower (May 23, 2018): I tried to avoid the thunderstorm by going south of it; too bad it also moved south.
Guess what happened next?
It’s easier to play in the water when already wet (June 1, 2018)
Ready for a swim to work
Marienthal (June 4, 2018): A village of 105 that has a former monastery
Water, air and wires (June 4, 2018): Goeblange’s water tower before a thunderstorm.
Quiet road between Goeblange and Nospelt.
Managed to avoid the thunderstorm of the day
Cycles of effort and comfort (June 5, 2018): Asphalt track between Lingten and Blaschette.
Graveling to work (June 6, 2018)
#mvos2018, done. Today I was privileged not only to cycle to work but also to do a business trip by bike.
Belgium/Luxembourg border (June 7, 2018): Does crossing a border twice make me a cross border commuter?
In Belgium and in Luxembourg simultaneously
Holenfels castle (June 8, 2018)
Contradiction: go or no go? (June 8, 2018): “Malheureusement la Police constate trop souvent que les cyclistes ne savent pas toujours précisément ou se trouve leur place allouée”
Piste cyclable de l’Attert between Steinfort and Eischen (June 12, 2018)
Trees at an angle (June 14, 2018)
Dirty feet (June 14, 2018)
All ways lead to Rome (June 15, 2018): At Luxembourg/Belgium border in Martelange
Local cycleway between Preizerdaul and Eschette (June 15, 2018)
Sunset near Hivange (June 26, 2018)
Viewpoint near Hivange (June 26, 2018)
Twilight at the end of the tunnel (June 29, 2018): Piste cyclable de l’Attert (PC 12, EuroVelo 5), between Eischen and Hovelange.
Road sign (July 2, 2018): Cycled in Belgium while the country was watching the football game
When commuting meets Mullerthal Trail (July 17, 2018)
Let’s make it happen! (July 19, 2018)
Piste cycblable de l’Attert from above (July 25, 2018): PC 12 between Hovelange and Eischen from above
Moonrise (July 26, 2018)
Let’s roll! (July 26, 2018)
Sunset (July 26, 2018)
New section of PC 5 (July 26, 2018)
Château de Larochette (July 26, 2018)
Sunflower (July 26, 2018)
Nouveau château d’Ansembourg (July 31, 2018)
In the heat of the day (July 31, 2018)
Welcome to Mullerthal (July 31, 2018)
Bergstraße… on the way between Mamer and Luxembourg (July 31, 2018)
Connection between PC 4 and PC 3 in Mertert (July 31, 2018)