See also the dedicated posts for Hiking from Marlenheim to Wasselonne, Spring in Strasbourg, Social cycling to the Moselle for wine tasting and Exploration in Südeifel.
Somewhere near Hivange (March 27, 2019)
Morning commute to work (March 28, 2019)
Morning hook to work (March 28, 2019)
Track between Capellen and Mamerdal (March 28, 2019)
Track between Capellen and Mamerdal (March 28, 2019)
Looking up on a 15% slope (March 28, 2019)
Sentier de la Mamer (March 29, 2019)
Jumping off the bike (March 29, 2019)
Drëps picnic place (March 29, 2019)
Meaning of this sign? (March 29, 2019)
Night wildlife (March 29, 2019)
Another animal (March 29, 2019)
Total distance: 394 km.
Note that getting weekly statistics and maps on activities requires too much work, so I’ll post monthly figures instead from April on.