I hadn’t my tripod with me so I used the handle bar of my bike and that seemed to work
Monthly Archives: October 2013
Hakka69 posted a photo:
An idyllic cycling route
While waiting for my bike mates from Cycling Luxembourg, I couldn’t resist; I had shoot this tunnel. It’s located on the cycling route “Piste cyclable de l’Attert”, also known as PC12 and used to be a railroad in the past.
The Alien Surface
Stuck in Customs posted a photo:
I saw this amazing place in Stuck On Earth and I simply had to visit! I mapped out my whole trip to Utah and was sure to include this. It was unclear if it was right by the side of the road or if I needed to walk. You never really know unless you read the description, and sometimes (okay, often) I am lazy. Like when I went to visit the Delicate Arch, I had no idea I had to hike for an hour in the burning summer sun to see it. That’s two hours round-trip for those of you scoring at home. Anyway, I was happy to find that this remarkable structure below was plainly visible by the side of the road… and it looked great from the from and the rear.
– Trey Ratcliff
Click here to read the rest of this post at the Stuck in Customs blog.
Lucy .Q posted a photo:
zoxcleb posted a photo:
Just Juls▲ posted a photo:
My cousin took me to The Breakfast Club cafe in London for brunch.
Raining Cats Today
Jon Siegel posted a photo:
Right before meeting a friend in Bugis, a massive downpour hit, super heavy, was basically raining cats.
Hakka69 posted a photo: