Camera settings

When it comes to photography, I can spend a lot of time on a single picture playing with the camera settings.

Here’s an example of two settings that make the same picture look and feel different:
Water 1/400s exposure
Water 30s exposure
The first has been exposed for 1/400 second , using an aperture of f/4.2 using a sensitive ISO setting and a flash while the second picture has been exposed for 30 seconds using an aperture of f/22. While the first picture gives an impression of speed, the second looks like a painting.

If you are looking for this picture in real, you can either move to this point (49.6091388889 degrees N, 6.12317222222 E) or look for Ed. J. Klein park in Luxembourg city.


You may have noticed some slowness over the last days, but be reassured, everything will be back in order soon.

Some maintenance is being performed on the database (new indexes, new collations and new tables).

Also, the HTTP daemon will be stopped for upgrades and tuning during the next hours.
Everything will be back in order when the poor server (it needs more RAM) will read and write several files.

You’ll find out that some new word list have been installed (searched keywords and phrases).

New mission on air


Maybe you have already noticed that I am not behind my keyboard around the clock at the moment.

Let me explain; I signed for a contract where I work (entertain myself) during regular office (European, not US) hours. It’s just very cool! I work with an old colleague and I am very happy to see him after such a long time. There are plenty of things to do, but I believe that will be fine.

My positive and negative thoughts about this mission are:
– Don’t have too much time to complain about the weather/darkness.
– Will save some extra $ for my next trip.
– New experiences.
– Meet new people.
– Daily bicycle ride.

– Sleep less than 6 hours/day.
– AFK while my fellow americans are online.

I just left to Strasbourg to see my mother 🙂


Après 6 mois d’attente, j’ai fait le grand pas et je suis allé voir un coiffeur!

En effet, j’en avais assez de me battre avec mes cheveux après chaque douche 🙂

Sinon, durant le mois qui va venir je vais être très occupé; au moins je n’aurais pas le temps de me plaindre du sale temps; qui disons le, bientôt ne sera qu’un souvenir :p


Here’s a brief overview of the changes during the last weeks:

Now RSS feeds seem to work – at least they work on my computer and I received no complaint from other users 🙂

Some small bugs have been fixed (eg. domain names with extended status and no name server) which were detected as expiring but are not (they no longer appear as expiring).

When all daily checks have been done, SaveSpell tries to find available not registered domain names in some word lists (names, 3 characters, geography and English words at the moment). Also, from now, in case of load or network errors while the process in charge of checking the domain names is running, it will just sleep for 5 minutes and try again (instead of crashing).

In addition, some basic documentation has been written.

Feel free to propose your links!

Nice Firefox extension: Web Developer

Hey there,

I found a great Firefox extension that is worth it!

Have a look at this partial screenshot:

partial screenshot

For example, it allows CSS edit on the fly and see changes directly: no reload/upload necessary! Adjust your style, then save and put live, isn’t that wonderful?

You can also play with privacy, display image information, div, frames, validate Links on the page, and many other interesting things.

Looks like I found a new friend 😀

New day, new adventure