Find the highlighted Vëlosummer 2021 routes on your Garmin device; the layer includes all routes and links. Get the file here (if needed, right click and Save Link As…), and copy velosummer.img to the folder Garmin on your device. Tested on a Garmin Edge 1000 and 1030plus.
If you’re using a recent firmware, make sure that you are using the Classic” map theme (and not high contrast or mountain biking).
Bike tour on a hot day, even on the summit of the Venn and the Eifel national Park. 65 km on unpaved ways. Several drink/water shopping on the way. Great landscapes. Wasn’t sure if I would make it to Cologne.
Warm with a breeze and mobile office on the back. Busy cycleways but empty roads. 102 km in Luxembourg, 11 km in France and 53 km in Germany. When I arrived home, I thought I could just repeat it.
Enjoyed the weather, no effort until I figured out that with a little boost I could be in the enchanted forest during golden hour. Long moments of discussion with fellow cyclists visiting the country. Passed by inline skaters on the slope down to Echternach while I was already at 45 km/h.
Followed Sentier du Sud from Hellange to Esch/Alzette, but lost it a couple of times. So bumpy that my butt hurts!! 3 minutes of rain. All of this with my mobile office in the backpack, but no call received 😉