Category Archives: Europe

Cyclehack Luxembourg City 2016

Thanks to Cycle Luxembourg, I was privileged to help with the preparation of the first Cyclehack in Luxembourg City. A very nice experience from the inside, where a group of very busy people have managed to do everything; also it was a bit discouraging because it was during the National Holiday weekend and many people decided to travel for an extended weekend before the beginning of the holiday season.

Back to the topic, the event took place during the whole weekend (from Friday the 24th of June to Sunday) at the Rotondes. Friday evening and Sunday afternoon were opened to the public and the rest of the weekend only to participants.


All videos are also available for download on my personal gallery.

On Friday, there was a series of talks:

Introduction talk by Kasia Krzyzanowski:

Keynote speaker: Marc van Woudenberg of Amsterdamize:

Some local speakers:

Sam Tanson, member of the Aldermen council and in charge of mobility and transport issues for Luxembourg City:

Philippe Herkrath from  Lëtzebuerger Vëlosinitiativ:

openData by Tezza Lana from Level2Syn2cat Hackerspace:

Jean­-Michel Mertz from Bike43, a bicycle related startup here in Luxembourg:

Pierre Englebert from the Luxembourg branch of Cycling Without Age:

And my first ever talk,  I even tried to talk, about my daily bike commutes in Luxembourg, with the glitches and everything:

My slides are also available online.

And to finish, Steve Clement from Level 2 and coorganizer made a very inspiring talk:

Sunday: presentation of the projects

Continue reading Cyclehack Luxembourg City 2016

Remains of Roman Baths in Mamer

In Mamer, Luxembourg, close to the European School, there are some remains of Roman baths. I had lunch there and wanted to shoot it. Later on I decided to apply different types of panorama; here’s the result:

Normal photo using a 24 mm lens
20160503_102518 Panorama HDR.jpg
Equirectangular panorama 360×180 degrees
20160503_102518 Panorama Mercator HDR.jpg
Mercator projection 360×160 degrees (then cropped to maintain 6:4 ratio)
20160503_102518 Panorama Directional Stereographic HDR.jpg
Stereographic panorama

And my favorite, the stereographic down panorama, making panoramas look like a planet:

20160503_102518 Panorama Stereographic HDR.jpg
Remains of Roman Baths, stereographic down panorama

And thanks to Frederic, who kept me company while I was shooting 630 photos (126 photos with 5 different exposures each).

Dogwood52: week 5: landscape: black and white

The challenge of the week is:

Look for a scene with great contrast that will make a great black and white.

I had this in mind when the challenge started so I started shooting pictures a bit early while doing other shootings. As a person keen on colorful stuff, it’s not that easy to think black and white; but I think I have managed to work on the topic a little bit and made a little pre-selection; also each picture has been given a name and is in the gallery.

The selected picture is “The end of the road trip”, a city landscape shot during a misadventure when the car engine started burning down. They say I am going too far with my bicycle activism :-). The good news is that no one was hurt and the insurance company took care of it.

The end of the road trip
The end of the road trip

Other than that, I have been playing with black and white transformation with many of my pictures, and decided to save a few of them after fiddling with the black and white mix.

Le Grand Dagoda Blanc, a K-Doll in Bertrange
Le Grand Dagoda Blanc, a K-Doll in Bertrange
A tree and playground at night
A tree and playground at night. Shot during the Dogwood52 artistic red challenge.
An evening at "Parc des Contades"
An evening at “Parc des Contades”
Two floating stones
Two floating stones
Somewhere over a monochrome rainbow
Somewhere over a monochrome rainbow
Water under the bridge
Water under the bridge

Now I’m looking forward to the candy challenge.