A few other pictures taken during June:
Left with 5 litres of “eau de Cologne” and drank it before arriving at destination so I had to refill on the way. Feeling of freshness when it was only 30 degrees; also the breeze was welcome. Fortunately the cycleway was full of families so it was another reason to take it easy. Lunch break and quick visit of Bonn (saw the HARIBO shop, good that it was closed 🤣). Met several cyclists doing long distance trip and discussed with one who was on his way to the Black Sea.
On the way back, I did a stopover in Trier:
Bike tour on a hot day, even on the summit of the Venn and the Eifel national Park. 65 km on unpaved ways. Several drink/water shopping on the way. Great landscapes. Wasn’t sure if I would make it to Cologne.
Bike tour around Trier on cycling routes. Tough wind during the 50 first km! No wonder why everybody was riding the other direction ;-). Several segments unpaved. Beautiful scenery.
Enjoyed the weather, no effort until I figured out that with a little boost I could be in the enchanted forest during golden hour. Long moments of discussion with fellow cyclists visiting the country. Passed by inline skaters on the slope down to Echternach while I was already at 45 km/h.
And some missing pictures from the end of May while transforming commutes to work into a daily adventure.