Tag Archives: Melbourne


I arrived in Melbourne on Saturday afternoon and left on Monday morning.

This was quite a shock! Leaving Tassie’s bush-camping activities to the metropolis city during Chinese new year is just so much contrast. I was quite used to greet and talk to anyone I met in Tasmania, but here it is just not technically possible to say a quick “hi” to anyone you meet on your way. Honestly, it was not even possible to look at each person you meet.

Melbourne was really hot: 38 degrees Celsius (~100°F) in the shade but I didn’t find any shade on my way. Locals have been waiting for rain for months and I brought rain with in Melbourne too. Sometimes I am wondering if I could be a professional rainmaker?

I stayed in North Melbourne – close to the zoo and shared a place with an student from Canberra.

I bought on Sunday a transport pass for trams, trains and busses, for $2.50 – valid in three zones so I spent a few hours at St Kilda and the only stop announcement from the driver was “next stop: the beeeeeeeeeeach!”, so I went to the marina; it was one of those where you will only find boats from fortuned people who believe a boat is a another great sign of wealth to show; there was not even a single sailing boat there.

On Monday, I was quite happy to leave this place; big cities are definitely not for me. It’s time for me to take off to Cairns, gateway to the tropics and I feel insanely good about going to this area during the humid season and certainly won’t regret it! Crocodiles, jellyfishes, stingers, cyclones and other adventures are waiting for me.

Now for the lazy, here are the pictures!

This car parked on a cycling lane is normal, it’s only a cycling lane during commuting hours, followed by chinese new year:
Cycle lane in Melbourne Chinese new year in Melbourne

A few buildings by night:
Melbourne bynight Melbourne by night

and during the day:
Building in Melbourne, reflecting clouds Building in Melbourne
weird Flower in Gardens

To finish, a flower in the botanic gardens and what it needs to survive, the rain which was coming:
Flower in botanic gardens Thunderstorm is coming

Deux semaines avec le diable – l’extrême Nord

Un ciel magnifique m’a accompagné au long du trajet.

Tasmanian sky Spirit of Tasmania Ferry

Et bien, Devonport n’a rien de particulier, si ce n’est que c’est la gateway du Ferry Spirit of Tasmania. J’y ai certainement dormi à l’endroit le plus vétuste de ma vie où les douches m’ont plus fait penser aux douches des camps nazis et le lieu était rempli de Koréens travaillant à la récolte des fruits sur leur visa Working Holiday. Il y a tellement de touristes qu’à peine sorti, des policiers ont patrouillé et m’ont demandé si tout allait bien.

Stars Sea and East Devonport
Devonport's Lighthouse bynight

Le lendemain matin, lever de bonne heure afin d’attraper le Ferry pour Melbourne qui embarque à 9 heures, pour débarquer à 19h.

Le trajet fut bien sympathique, j’ai partagé ma table avec une dame que je pensais seule, mais qui était accompagnée par son mari (je suppose) et un ami; qui a exposé au Festival des bateaux en bois de Hobart. On a donc beaucoup parlé de bateaux au long du trajet, ce qui renforce mon envie de faire le pas vers ce monde 🙂

Cargo Boat Boat transporting cars
Boat Another boat

L’arrivée dans la baie de Melbourne s’est sentie d’un coup de chaud; en l’espace de 30 secondes, la température extérieure est montée à 38 degrés.

Melbourne Skyline

À bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures!