Tag Archives: Luxembourg

Waste of money and insecurity

While cycling on PC14,  I discovered it was closed; and they did a detour via a the roads CR103 and CR109, a popular itinerary for trucks going to Kehlen. So I wasn’t very pleased to find which wasn’t announced on any web site. Imagine a family going for a bicycle ride altogether during this sunny Easter holiday…

Detour sign

The fun continues one kilometre ahead, where the main road is also closed, and all the best they have done is to Strikethrough the bicycle detour…

Detour no longer applies

What a waste of money; doing a detour via a dangerous road, and then close the detour

Also, on Tuesday, April 14, the cycling route is also closed between Mamer and Capellen; no alternative road is planned; but at least they have put the sign since last month:

PC14 closure

So let me suggest the alternative way below to go from Mamer to Nospelt, which is technically against the law as the way is market with a (C,2) sign with no bicycle exemption, but:

  • no one cares, they often put this sign even on official cycling routes, and
  • safety first.

Please note the traffic light when crossing Route d’Arlon in Mamer.

Lunch ride to Diekirch

Today I went to the Meetup event called Lazy Sunday Bike Ride.

The meeting point was in Mersch at 10:15. I left home on time, but went slowly and did a detour via the city centre,  and at 9:44 I saw the sign displaying 15 remaining kilometres, I had to boost and arrived there exactly at 10:15 😉 Of course, I could also have contacted the organiser as I knew the tour details, but that would have been no fun.

The group was great, it was great riding with 12 other people while talking a bit and listening to others – I have two ears and one mouth. One person got lost so I went back to fetch her and we finally found the group back after an hour, and we cycled to Diekirch and stopped for lunch in a Portuguese restaurant named Jardin du Portugal where the food was good so I recommend it.

In total, I cycled another 109 km today, it was called a “Lazy” 😉

I’ve done 412 km of outdoor activities this week, and I still need another 743 km this month to reach my goal, but since I’m going to be on duty next week I won’t be able to cycle as much as last week.

Elevation map

To finish the day, I’ve cleaned the BBQ; it’s like a new one 🙂

New month, new challenge

In May days are getting longer. That’s great! I can spend more time outside (since I don’t completely trust my eyesight I’d rather stay close to home at night).

I renew my 1,000 km goal for this month but would like to reach 10,000 km until the end of 2014. This one is going to be tough! I’ve done 3,339 km this year so far; more than 6,600 km remaining – that’s about 27 km every day.

Yesterday I was lazy and it was Labour Day, but I have a good excuse: thunderstorms. Actually, I was getting ready to do 50 km ride when I could hear the thunder; and then I was invited to join some friends for dinner in a great portugese restaurant called Atlantico.

Since I have postponed my cycling tour to today, I’ve extended it a bit, but the slope uphill was tough; cycling against the wind didn’t help.

Despite its difficulty, it was a nice and idyllic ride.

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It seems some sections will look different in the future as they are building a road which is going to be a primary road close to the cycling route…
PS: still fine without chocolate, candies nor coke 🙂